¿Cuántas veces te has visto tentado de vender tu casa o apartamento y no has podido?
Escazu y San Jose de Costa Rica
La verdad es que ya no es tan fácil como antes vender una propiedad. Básicamente porque ahora hay muchísima más oferta que antes.
Si bien la demanda por un aumento lógico de la población debería crecer, no siempre es así porque las mejores zonas ya han sido ocupadas y no se venden.
Por lo tanto, siempre tenga en cuenta a la hora de comprar, elegir un lugar cotizado, con poca oferta, de manera tal que se garantice mayor probabilidades de éxito a la eventual hora de tener que vender.
En el Real Estate, solo se gana dinero cuando se compra, no cuando se vende.
Si has hecho bien la tarea, has analizado con detenimiento todas las opciones del mercado, comparando zonas y nichos, y te has dejado asesorar por algún experto en la materia, tendrás mayores probabilidades de no perder dinero.
Si por el contrario, te has dejado llevar por las ganas, por la emoción, y por que era hora de cambiar, muy seguramente el que haya ganado dinero es quien te ha vendido la propiedad.
No dejes la decisión más importante de tu vida a puro sentimiento.
San Jose de Costa Rica
How many times have you been tempted to sell your house or apartment and you couldn't?
The truth is that it is not as easy as before to sell a property.
Basically because now there is much more offer than before. Although the demand for a logical increase in population should grow, this is not always the case because the best areas have already been occupied and are not being sold.
Therefore, always keep in mind when buying, choosing a listed place, with little offer, in such a way that a greater probability of success is guaranteed at the eventual time of having to sell.
In Real Estate, money is only made when it is bought, not when it is sold.
If you have done your homework well, you have carefully analyzed all the options on the market, comparing areas and niches, and you have been advised by an expert in the field, you will have a greater chance of not losing money.
If, on the other hand, you have been carried away by desire, by emotion, and because it was time to change, most likely the one who has made money is the one who has sold you the property.
Do not leave the most important decision of your life to pure feeling.